4. “AI” in the job application process
The WSJ reports that 99% of Fortune 500 companies were using “applicant tracking”The WSJ reports that 99% of Fortune 500 companies were using “applicant tracking”The WSJ reports that 99% of Fortune 500 companies were using “applicant tracking”
software to filter applications in 2021.software to filter applications in 2021.software to filter applications in 2021.
Use of automated processes to filter applications can result in well-qualified applicantsUse of automated processes to filter applications can result in well-qualified applicantsUse of automated processes to filter applications can result in well-qualified applicants
being turned down. Examples:being turned down. Examples:being turned down. Examples:
Resumes being rejected because of resume gaps (which can have innocuous explanations)Resumes being rejected because of resume gaps (which can have innocuous explanations)Resumes being rejected because of resume gaps (which can have innocuous explanations)
Requiring inappropriate keywords or looking for language applicants do not know to useRequiring inappropriate keywords or looking for language applicants do not know to useRequiring inappropriate keywords or looking for language applicants do not know to use
Recently, some job candidates have used “AI” powered bots to apply to hundreds ofRecently, some job candidates have used “AI” powered bots to apply to hundreds ofRecently, some job candidates have used “AI” powered bots to apply to hundreds of
Q: What role, if any, should “AI” have in filtering job applications? (For the final paper,Q: What role, if any, should “AI” have in filtering job applications?
(For the final paper,Q: What role, if any, should “AI” have in filtering job applications? (For the final paper,
you may be asked another question, instead or in addition: How, if at all, may jobyou may be asked another question, instead or in addition: How, if at all, may jobyou may be asked another question, instead or in addition: How, if at all, may job candidates ethically use “AI” in preparing job applications?)candidates ethically use “AI” in preparing job applications?)candidates ethically use “AI” in preparing job applications?)
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