What are his beliefs regarding criminology?

This is a 2 part assignment keep separate plus references. Part 1: In 2 pages, double space, plus required APA cover page, answer below.
List and describe the various forms of ownership of real property.
Discuss the difference between marital property from separate property.

Explain the concept of property transmutation.
Provide examples of the conversion of separate property into marital property.

Describe the concepts of equitable distribution and community property.
Explain the effect of bankruptcy on a property settlement.
Part 2 : https://psychandcrime.weebly.com/uploads/8/7/7/8/87787052/psychology_in_the_justice_system.pdf
Using the above link as a free pdf, answer the following questions. Include APA title page.

Chapter 1

-Who is Gabriel Tarde?
What is his theory?
What are his beliefs regarding criminology?
How did he feel about Cesare Lombrosso?
-Who is Cesare Lombrosso?
What is his theory?

What are his beliefs regarding criminology?

How did he feel about Tarde?
Chapter 2

Breakdown the “laws of imitation”
How is Lombrosso’s theories still being applied in modern criminology?

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