The Summer 2024 Olympics showcased elite athletes from diverse events, each with different nutritional needs. Start by reading “What Olympic Athletes Eat to Have All That Energy.”

This paper will be 2-3 pages in length (at least 2 pages without references), typed in 12-font with 1-inch standard margins, and double-spaced. Include a citation page and in-text citations.


The Summer 2024 Olympics showcased elite athletes from diverse events, each with different nutritional needs. Start by reading “What Olympic Athletes Eat to Have All That Energy.”

Then, after reading that article for some background information, search online sources for TWO additional articles, videos, or podcasts about nutrition, and other related lifestyle factors, for optimal athletic performance. For your paper, provide a general introduction to the topic and then summarize each of the two articles/videos/podcasts in about 1 page (total of 2-3 pages for both articles). Include citations.

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