Selecting a topic relevant to criminal justice or criminology that they would like to research further.

Selecting a topic relevant to criminal justice or criminology that they would like to research further.

Part 1 of the assignment is a literature review, in which students are to identify, digest, summarize, and reference key literature relevant to their topic; this is submitted as an annotated bibliography.

Part 1 should made use of 8-10 sources, most of which should be primary sources, such as peer-reviewed journal articles.

Part 2 consists of a “mini research proposal” that, if conducted, would hypothetically contribute and expand on the literature reviewed in Part 1.

Part 2 should include a research design covering a research question, appropriate methods of collecting and analyzing either qualitative or quantitative data, including variables (if appropriate), sampling techniques, and a statement of what contribution the proposal could possibly make to the discipline (e.g. addressing “gaps” in the research). A title page, reference page, and use of APA is required.

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