Please read the feedback on your assessment tasks thoroughly and use this opportunity to make adjustments to the task in response to that feedback.

Further Assessment:

Visual and Media Arts for Early ChildhoodRevisions within the original Assessment Task(s):

1. Please read the feedback on your assessment tasks thoroughly and use this opportunity to make adjustments to the task in response to that feedback.

2. Once you have made revisions and adjustments, please highlight those revisions so that a comparison can be made with your originally submitted work. You are encouraged to spend time thinking about the feedback so that you can demonstrate to your best ability achievement of the ULOs in this submission.500-700 word Reflective Essay1.

After your revisions have been made, please write a 500-700 word reflective essay in which you evaluate the choices you’ve made in revising. Please include reference to unit resources you’ve used in making your revisions by using them to justify why you’ve made these revisions. If you have decided not to make revisions on certain areas, please discuss your rationale for not incorporating that specific feedback into your further assessment task.2. Please take some time in your reflection to discuss the importance of reflecting on and incorporating feedback into your work as a future educator.

Why is reflecting on feedback important? Why is it important to use your professional judgement when making decisions about incorporating feedback it into your practice?Instructions:Firstly, take the rational (the second portfolio) as your reference and rewrite all sections that were impacted by Gen AI.NB: You obviously must refrain from using any writing program that changes words, or suggests rephrasing, or interferes in any way with your writing.

You can use the Curtin Grammarly version which proof reads and checks spelling etc.Secondly … when you have re-written A2 part 2 Rationale, you then need to write a 500-700 word reflection on your response to the feedback – ie why Gen AI is not appropriate in teacher education settings and what you have learned through this experience.Thirdly … When you have completed the material, save it as a single document and as a PDF and upload to the Turn it in link. Any Gen AI score above 0% will automatically result in a fail on this task and the unit.Explanation:This assessment initially comprised two sections: Portfolio One and Portfolio Two. While Portfolio One was accepted, Portfolio Two was rejected due to the detection of AI-generated content. As a result, a further assessment was required, which is the task you will now be addressing.For this further assessment, you will work on revising Portfolio Two (Rationale) to ensure originality and quality.

provide Portfolio One as a reference to help you better understand the context and maintain consistency between the two portfolios. However, your focus should be solely on revising Portfolio Two.Additionally, after completing the revision of Portfolio Two, you will write a 500-700 word reflection and mention all the necessary information that’s asked.VERY IMPORTANT:They have recently received clarification that the university no longer allows any Gen AI % leeway and anything above 0% triggers Dixon Academic Integrity investigation and in this instance an immediate fail. You should therefore take extra care to avoid all writing programs – please just write the material yourself in word and do not accept any correction or rephrasing advice from Grammarly, Microsoft CoPilot, ChatGPT or similar thesaurus -type programs.

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