Magical narratives: transformation of romance-Write the essay question in full at the top of the first page and keep the question in mind throughout.

Write a 3000 word essay on ONE of the following topics.You are required to cite at least two secondary sources but the essay should present your own arguments and your own interpretation of texts. All primary and secondary sources used must be referenced in footnotes and included in your bibliography. *How helpful is Northrop Frye’s concept of ‘displacement’ in explaining the development of romance as a genre? Discuss two or more texts from different periods.*

The essay will be assessed according to the following criteria:1. Knowledge of the genre of romance, its distinctive features, and its literary history. 2. Quality of analysis and interpretation of texts and contexts.3. Relevance of the texts selected and understanding of their ideas, language and form.4. Formulation, development and balance of argument.5. Clarity of organization and writing style.ADVICE ON PLANNING AND WRITING

ESSAYS1. Before you start writing, unpack the various issues raised by the question. Choose which ones to concentrate on. Make an essay plan summarising your overall argument, highlighting the issues you want to address, and outlining the main steps in your argument. Identify relevant primary and secondary sources to cite.2 Check the plan to see that your argument answers the question, is logically coherent and does not contradict itself. Are your ideas presented in the clearest way and most effective order? Have you identified the most appropriate passages to cite?

3. Think of your essay as an act of persuasion in which you make a case and support it with evidence. Select the best ideas and strongest evidence to make your case.

If appropriate, raise potential counter-arguments and explain why they are mistaken.4. Write the essay question in full at the top of the first page and keep the question in mind throughout. Do not substitute your own essay title.5. The first paragraph should contain an INTRODUCTION, the aim of which is to lay the foundations of your argument, not to provide general background information. Outline the aim and scope of the essay and give a brief overview of its structure.6. Definitions of terms (if needed) are normally best left till the second paragraph.7. The essay should be a piece of continuous prose.

Do not use subdivisions and subtitles unless absolutely necessary (if in doubt, consult the convenor).8. Use a style appropriate for academic writing, avoiding slang and cliché. You can use the first person but don’t use redundant phrases such as ‘I feel’, ‘I think’, ‘in my opinion’, etc.9. Academic style does not mean using long words and complicated sentences. State everything as clearly and simply as possibly. Avoid hedging phrases such as ‘It could be argued that’, ‘arguably’, etc. 10. C

omment on any passages you choose to quote.11. When citing other critics, be in an active not a passive relation to them: assess, adjust, supplement or quarrel with their views rather than writing simply ‘As X says’.12. Quote accurately and double-check your quotations. Proof-read the whole essay twice.13.

14. End with a CONCLUSION that summarises your key points and ‘clinches’ your argument. Don’t bring in any new ideas or texts15. Include a bibliography, Items should be listed alphabetically, with names reversed (e.g. Poppins, Mary). Don’t use bullet points.

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