M8 Project – SAS dont accept if you dont know how to use sas

This assignment acts as a draft to both your defense presentation and manuscript. You are to record a 15-20 minute oral presentation using your slides. Submit the presentation slides, written project, and the link to your recorded presentation. Below is some more information about the slides and project.

Presentation Slides
Your slides should consist of, but not limited to, the following sections:
Background. brief description of the public health relevance of your project.

Research question. Aim and hypothesis.

What is your outcome and how are you using it. (categorically or continuously)?

What is your exposure?
What are the other covariates and/or confounders?
Statistical Analysis plan. What stat methods are you using? What model are you specifying? How are you going to assess for confounding? Significance level? Stat program?


Descriptive stats table(s)
Unadjusted association table(s)
Adjusted association table
Interpret the results

Written project

The written project should consist of a more comprehensive document of your manuscript. This could be your current draft of your manuscript. The document should contain the following sections: Introduction, Methods, and Results (including tables).

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