Law-The international legal system of regulating the conduct of nation states appears to have completely collapsed or now adopts selective application of justice depending on which nation state(s) is involved.


The international legal system of regulating the conduct of nation states appears to have completely collapsed or now adopts selective application of justice depending on which nation state(s) is involved.

This is evidenced by the conniving actions of the United Kingdom and the United States of America in the long running dispute of the Chagos Islands which on the 4th of October 2024, the United Kingdom reluctantly agreed to hand over to Mauritius albeit applying a retention of title clause to some parts for almost another century. Further evidence of the broken state of affairs within the international system is demonstrated by current escalating tensions in the South China Sea despite the 2016 ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The council of the Committee of Nations have now appointed you as the head of a new international group.

Under the terms of reference ‘You are to stay away from political matters to the extent that it is possible’. You are tasked with providing a comprehensive and critical legal and logical critique of the legal issues plaguing the current system from a regulation and policy of international commerce perspective. Special requirements: OSCOLA Referencing This essay is a Law essay. things to keep in mind. include relevant cases to make arguments. some of the most important cases is the China v Philippines case.

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