Write a 5–7 page paper on your archival data research project.
Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.
Archival data research requires psychologists to use data collected by someone else. In this case, we’ve been using information from the GSS, which allows us to look at large sets of data, often collected over a long span of time. Throughout the course, you have been exploring various concepts and building your skills in statistical analysis, all in preparation for this culminating assessment—your research report. In your research report, you will discuss the steps taken during this course to build your study. If you have completed the steps along the way throughout the course, you should be well prepared and will be able to use your work in your report.
Before you begin the assessment, complete the following:
Step 1: In the Capella library, find six peer-reviewed journal articles related to the variables you identified in Assessment 1. ( Let me know if you need any information )
Step 2: Analyze the data from the two variables you identified in Assessment 1, using the statistical test you identified in Assessment 3 (consider feedback from the faculty).
Below are the data files for your reference:
Note: The GSS Data 2018 [XLSX] has all of the data for all of the variables. The other files are JASP-compatible files with two variables each. These data files are labeled with the names of the two variables. To find the data file for your specific project, look for the file that names both of your variables.
News and Depress [CSV].
News and Happy [CSV].
News and Life [CSV].
News and Mntlhlth [CSV].
Raclive and Depress [CSV].
Raclive and Happy [CSV].
Raclive and Life [CSV].
Raclive and Mntlhlth [CSV].
Wwwhr and Depress [CSV].
Wwwhr and Happy [CSV].
Wwwhr and Life [CSV].
Wwwhr and Mntlhlth [CSV
Follow the outline below for your paper; you can use the Assessment 4 Paper Template [DOCX] to help organize your writing. Page and paragraph lengths are provided to help you gauge if you’ve written enough or too much—use them as a guide to help you stay on track.
Introduction. (1–1.5 pages.)
Write 2–4 paragraphs summarizing the six peer-reviewed journal articles you found on your topic. Use the Bachelor’s in Psychology Library Research Guide: Finding Articles page for assistance.
Include both your null and alternative hypotheses that you created in a previous assessment.
Methods. (1.5–2 pages.)
Participants. (1 paragraph.).
Describe the number of participants in the study.
For this archival data project, the number of participants refers to the number of participants who responded to both of your selected variables.
Measures. (1–2 paragraphs.) See your Assessment 2 and any feedback you received.
Describe the GSS.
Discuss its reliability and validity.
Discuss the measurement (variable questions) you chose from your work throughout the course.
Be sure to revise based on any faculty feedback you received.
Data Analysis Approach. (1–2 paragraphs.)
Explain the form of analysis you used to manipulate your data. Consider the following questions in your explanation.
From the point that you had the raw data, what tests did you run?
Why did you select that test (or those tests)?
How did you manipulate the data (for example, cleaning the data)?
Why did you choose to manipulate the data?
What results did you desire?
Note: Don’t put your actual results here (those come next), instead discuss what you expected to find.
Results. (1–1.5 pages.)
Report the results of your statistical analysis. (1 paragraph.)
Use APA style format for reporting your results.
Reflect on whether your null hypothesis or alternative hypothesis is correct. (1–2 paragraphs.)
Conclude if the null hypothesis or alternative hypothesis is correct.
Explain how you reached this conclusion.
Make a conclusion about the relationship between the variables and explain how you reached this conclusion. (1–2 paragraphs.)
Include a chart or graph (for example, a scatterplot for correlations) to show your data.
Discussion. (1–2 pages.)
Discuss your results in relation to the following:
How do your results compare to other research studies? (1–2 paragraphs.)
How can your results be generalized? (1–2 paragraphs.)
What were the limitations of the study? (1–2 paragraphs.)
Is your research valid and reliable—see Lameck’s 2013 article in the General Social Survey (GSS) reading list? How would you evaluate the validity and reliability of your study? (1–2 paragraphs.)
What might you do as a next step in research?
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