Devotion and Finding Passages in the Bible-Explain what a devotion is and how to find a passage of Scripture in the Holy Bible.

Getting Start

As a faith-based university, IWU works to integrate principles and passages from the Holy Bible, throughout our curriculum. To that end, you will often find that one of your assignments for the week is a “devotion”. We define a devotion as a time to think about and reflect on a spiritual concept, passage of Scripture, or other spiritual thought. In a devotion assignment, you may be asked to share your thoughts regarding the topic presented.

There are no right or wrong answers to these assignments. Please feel free to share your honest feelings and in turn, respect and honor the shared feelings of others. Points for the activity are awarded for your participation and interaction with one another.

Devotions are meant to encourage you spiritually, invite you to consider spiritual matters, and to “bear one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2(new tab)).
You may use whatever version of the Holy Bible you would like. Some of you may already have a well-worn Bible you use often. If you would like a copy of the Bible and do not have one, many Goodwill or Salvation Army-style stores have Bibles available in their book sections for a minimal cost (often less than $5 or free). There are various styles and versions of The Holy Bible available on Amazon or other booksellers online. If you’re on your computer, BibleGateway(new tab) is an excellent choice with multiple versions of the Bible. Finally, there are also various Bible apps for your phone that you can use if you would like.

Some of you may have attended church for years while others may have never gone to church. Some of you may be familiar with finding passages in the Holy Bible and some may not. If you do not feel confident do not worry, you can watch a video in the instructions that will help you become familiar with finding Scripture passages.
Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:
Explain what a devotion is and how to find a passage of Scripture in the Holy Bible.


Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Read the Getting Started information for this assignment.
Watch the Bible Quick Tip: How to Find A Bible Verse For Beginners(new tab) video if you need to learn how to look up a Scripture passage.
Using the Bible of your choice, find a verse or passage that speaks to you. You might want to find this passage by searching for a topic like rest, comfort, or peace. Or you can search for a well-known passage like Psalm 23(new tab) or John 3:16(new tab).
By Day 4 of the workshop, post an initial thread by sharing one Scripture passage and why you like it or what it means to you.
By Day 7 of the workshop, respond to two of your classmates regarding how you find the passage meaningful that they shared and what you like about the passage.
Criteria Excellent Competent Inadequate/Failing Criterion Score
Contributions 6.25 points Consistently provides insightful and constructive contributions. 5 points Makes relevant contribution, but not consistently. 3 points Minimal or no contributions to the discussion. Score of Contributions,/ 6.25
Person-Centered Consideration 6.25 points Broad consideration of individual and peer’s values, beliefs, and thoughts.Ability to engage in sensitive or difficult conversations.Excellent emotional intelligence. 5 points Considerate of individual and peer values, beliefs, and thoughts.Limited engagement in sensitive or difficult conversations.Emotionally intelligent. 3 points Little to no consideration for individual or peer values, beliefs, and thoughts.Little to no engagement in sensitive or difficult conversations.Little to no emotional intelligence. Score of Person-Centered Consideration,/ 6.25
Communication Skills/Professionalism 6.25 pointsArticulates ideas effectively, demonstrates strong verbal and written communication skills.Maintains a high level of professionalism.References cited correctly if required or used.Submission posted on time. 5 pointsCommunicates ideas clearly, with occasional lapses in clarity.Professional tone and language.References cited correctly if required or used.Submission 1-2 days late. 3 pointsIneffective verbal and written communication.Difficulty expressing ideas clearly.Unprofessional tone or language.References not cited correctly if required or used.Submission 2-3 days late.

Score of Communication Skills/Professionalism,/ 6.25
Reflection and Synthesis 6.25 pointsDemonstrates a high level of reflection and synthesis, connecting ideas and drawing meaningful conclusions. 5 pointsReflects on discussion content, synthesizes information to some extent. 3 pointsLimited ability to reflect on discussion content and synthesize key points. Score of Reflection and Synthesis,/ 6.25
TotalScore of Devotion (25 Points),/ 25
Criteria Competent Inadequate/Failing Criterion Score
Contributions Consistently provides insightful and constructive contributions. Makes relevant contribution, but not consistently. Minimal or no contributions to the discussion. / 6.25
Person-Centered Consideration Broad consideration of individual and peer’s values, beliefs, and thoughts.Ability to engage in sensitive or difficult conversations.Excellent emotional intelligence. Considerate of individual and peer values, beliefs, and thoughts.Limited engagement in sensitive or difficult conversations.Emotionally intelligent. Little to no consideration for individual or peer values, beliefs, and thoughts.Little to no engagement in sensitive or difficult conversations.Little to no emotional intelligence. / 6.25
Communication Skills/Professionalism Articulates ideas effectively, demonstrates strong verbal and written communication skills.Maintains a high level of professionalism.References cited correctly if required or used.Submission posted on time. Communicates ideas clearly, with occasional lapses in clarity.Professional tone and language.References cited correctly if required or used.Submission 1-2 days late. Ineffective verbal and written communication.Difficulty expressing ideas clearly.Unprofessional tone or language.References not cited correctly if required or used.Submission 2-3 days late. / 6.25
Reflection and Synthesis Demonstrates a high level of reflection and synthesis, connecting ideas and drawing meaningful conclusions. Reflects on discussion content, synthesizes information to some extent. Limited ability to reflect on discussion content and synthesize key points. / 6.25
TotalScore of Devotion (25 Points),/ 25

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