Describe appropriate and allowable instructional accommodations, including possible use of technology, when differentiating reading instruction for students with reading deficiencies or dyslexia.

Design a reading and/or writing lesson in which you teach at least two of these elements (oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension) in the procedures/activities.
Select your standards for your lesson
State a clear, observable/measurable objective.
Select developmentally appropriate multisensory materials that address students’ strengths and needs.

List all materials you will use for the lesson.

Describe how you will conduct the lesson.
Describe appropriate and allowable instructional accommodations, including possible use of technology, when differentiating reading instruction for students with reading deficiencies or dyslexia.
Describe how you will assess the students. (The assessment should match the objective.)
Subject Area: Lesson Title:
Length of Time Date(s):
Are Diverse Students Present? Yes No
.Unit Title or Topic Being Taught: Grade Level(s):
Prior Knowledge of Subject by Students
Goal – Objective – Purpose
Materials needed:
ESE & ESOL, and students with dyslexia accommodations:

Last Completed Projects

topic title academic level Writer delivered