Create the initial steps of an Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) project using your chosen topic from Week 3 and the articles your instructor approved in Week 4.

Create the initial steps of an Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) project using your chosen topic from Week 3 and the articles your instructor approved in Week 4. After gathering your approved articles, you completed appraisals on a quantitative or qualitative review and systematic review in Week 6.

This week, you will be using your two approved sources to complete your EBP project poster.
Your poster should include:

Explanation of the nursing issue significance with three statements
Description of your position on the issue and three statements on how a nurse can impact this issue

Include only the two approved journal sources used in your Week 6 appraisals to support your position
You can use Word, PowerPoint, Canva, or any other software platform to create your poster. View the Poster Resources page for additional information.
APA format for 3 citations included (week 4 articles)
Shows creativity. Contains 1 slide. Poster has organized and purposeful arrangement
Short title-to the point that clearly indicates the direction of the project. Students name is beneath the title

Explanation of the Nursing Issue & significance w/3 statements. Description of your position on the issue and how a nurse can impact this issue. No HIPAA violations
APA style is adhered to for citations and references. All images cited in APA style.

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