Create a query that lists the subjects and the number of tutoring sessions for each subject.

Part II: Analyzing our Tutoring Data

In this part of the lab assignment, you will be answering some questions and running five queries against your tutoring data. To do this, you will be using the tool “PHPMyAdmin.” This tool is a standard tool used to manage MySQL databases and provides you with many different ways to work with your data. For security reasons, you will only have “read” access to the data, which means some of the functions will not work.

Begin by logging in to PHPMyAdmin using the following information:

(Available only for assigned writer)
Deliverable 3: Tab “Query 2”

Create a query that lists the subjects and the number of tutoring sessions for each subject. You will need to use the aggregate function COUNT and group by subject in order for this to work. Use the copy and paste method described above to put your results in an Excel Worksheet.

10 points.

Deliverable 4: Tab “Query 3”

Create a query that provides the first name and last name of the client along with the tutoring session date and subject. You will need to join the TutoringLog table and the Clients table on the ClientID column in order to get all of the columns. Use the copy and paste method described above to paste your Query 3 results in the sheet.

25 points

Deliverable 5: Tab “Query 4”

Create a query that counts the number of tutoring sessions by client. Using Query 3 as a starting point, create a query with the columns Client ID, First Name, Last Name, and Session Count. Notice your column titles should display as two words (e.g., “First Name” rather than “FirstName”). Also, you will need to use the aggregate function COUNT on one of the columns in the TutoringLog table. Use the copy and paste method described for query 1 to put your results in the Excel Worksheet.

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