Community Real Estate Profile
Vicksburg Ms 39180 is the community of focus
Both economic developers and real estate developers need to assess the real estate product in their communities that can be used for attraction, expansion, and commercial opportunities. In a report of 10 pages or less, please:
1. Conduct an inventory of developable sites and buildings and infrastructure assets in a community (town, city, or county) of your choice.
2. Complete the select data tables for your community (included in the template document).
3. Include maps of special economic/real estate zones in your community your assessment.
4. Provide an a short introduction paragraph explaining how this information can be used.
5. Format the report professionally, as you might if were to present it to your governing board.
local economic development websites, or other sources to estimate prices. In a real situation, you would talk to local real estate brokers, but for this exercise estimates are acceptable when information cannot be found through other means. Grading will be based on assessment of data accuracy, data completeness, and quality of writing.
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