History Question-How does each artist paint the figure of the Virgin Mary and Christ differently?

First read and watch these videos and texts: Short Introduction to Late Gothic Art (Links to an external site.) Italian Art of the Late Middle Ages (Links to an external site.) Florence During The Late Gothic Period Cimabue, The Santa Trinita Madonna (Links to an external site.) Giotto, The Ognissanti Madonna Using the comparison images … Read more

History Question-How does each artist portray the bodies of the figures differently?

First watch these videos: Giotto, Arena Chapel (Part 1) (Links to an external site.) Giotto, Arena Chapel (Part 2) (Links to an external site.) Giotto, Arena Chapel (Part 3) (Links to an external site.) Giotto, Arena Chapel (Part 4) Using the comparison images, write a short compare and contrast essay comparing Giotto’s Lamentation with the … Read more

A good place to start is with the notion of the Silk and Sand roads. What actual roads existed in the period 600 to 1450 C.E.

Discussion Topic This week we’re moving toward a little art history. The cultural and commercial exchanges we explored in chapter 7 produced a wealth of art and artifacts, so now we’re going to look at some of that art and those artifacts. Your first job this week is to choose a piece of art or … Read more

Using historical maps from 1860s to 1970s of newcastle upon tyne to study the idea change of urban planing in the city

Need one poster (1000 words) and one report(2000 words) For poster, A1 or A0, either landscape or portrait (1000 words ±5%). You will apply theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during the module to produce a poster where patterns in the datasets will be visualised (through maps, plots and/or infographics) and interpreted. The poster will test … Read more

Rise and Fall of Empires

Rise and Fall of Empires World History: Diverse Cultures and Global   Task Overview Submissions Evaluation Report Competencies 1024.1.3 : Explains rise and fall of empires The learner explains the factors that contributed to the rise and fall of empires. 1024.1.4 : Explains development of nation states The learner explains the factors that contributed to … Read more

Describe how a neutron can give energy to a nucleus and cause it to fission. Explain the byproducts of a fission event.

Learning Goals Describe how a neutron can give energy to a nucleus and cause it to fission. Explain the byproducts of a fission event. Explain how a chain reaction works, and describe the requirements for a sustained chain reaction large enough to make a bomb. Explain how a nuclear reactor works and how control rods … Read more

Explain “self actualization” and its relationship to well-being. What would self actualization look like in your life?

Abraham Maslow proposed that human beings work towards self-actualization. To realize one’s full potential is not necessarily a singular event (i.e. Climbing Mount Everest, Graduation). Explain “self actualization” and its relationship to well-being. What would self actualization look like in your life? Research this topic in at least (2) sources and write at least 300 … Read more

Explain the multiple Cold War conflicts and the legacy of the Cold War. Please answer this question in 600 words.

Readings: Cold War Conflicts and the Contemporary World and Ongoing Challenges you get the readings from the textbook textbook: World History Volume 2, from 1400 uploaded the tabel of contents. Reading Analysis #3 Question: Explain the multiple Cold War conflicts and the legacy of the Cold War. Please answer this question in 600 words. Worth … Read more

If you were taking a class in cyberbullying, what would you want to know? List five questions and provide a paragraph of summary about your questions.

Final Research Project Prompt Each semester, students are very interested in exploring cyberbullying. To get a gauge on this interest, I want to know what you all think about cyberbullying and what solutions you can think of. With this context, in Q&A format, please answer the following in at least one paragraph or more (at … Read more