Analysis Using Strategic Concepts

Analyze Apple’s current problem of being sued by the Department of Justice for violations of Section 2 of the Sherman Act using strategic concepts of Business Integration and Strategic Management, Management, Legal Environment of Business, and Business Leadership.  

How should the various functional areas in the organization be included in the Lean Six Sigma initiative, and what role should senior and middle management play in this change initiative?

According to the assigned case study, as 3M went through this major transformation, many questions went through the minds of 3M managers. Analyze the case study and answer the following questions: What are the benefits and costs of a Lean Six Sigma program and how should they be tracked? How should the various functional areas … Read more

What types of data should they collect from the sales force? How should they integrate sales data with your answer in question 2?

According to the assigned case study, Best Homes is a new home construction company with headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri. They construct only residential homes throughout the U.S. and only new homes. Having started on the East coast in 1945 they expanded to the Midwest and ultimately to the West coast and the South. They … Read more

Describe the seven types of business structures.

First Assignment How to make an academic poster in powerpoint – YouTube Instructions You will develop a conference poster for this assignment depicting different business structures. This assignment includes two parts: Part 1 You are the director of the Small Business Administration and have been asked to present at a national business conference that depicts … Read more

Writer’s Choice-Who you will be teaching the adapted mini lesson to (either to a small group or one-on-one to an individual with exceptionality)

Imagine you were a teacher answer the following questions The mini lesson you will be adapting and teaching (this can be a lesson developed by the cooperating teacher, or another lesson approved by the teacher) Who you will be teaching the adapted mini lesson to (either to a small group or one-on-one to an individual … Read more

What Is ABA?Distinguish ABA from other psychological fields by identifying which of the articles is behavior analytic and which is not, and provide an explanation for your choice.

Distinguish ABA from other psychological fields by identifying which of the articles is behavior analytic and which is not, and provide an explanation for your choice. Be sure to identify which of the seven dimensions of ABA are present in the behavior analytic article.Analyze why the other article is not behavior analytic. How do you … Read more