Evaluate the source by explaining why it is or is not an academically and scientifically credible source of information.

Main Post Requirements: First, decide which medical condition or disease you will choose for your Course Project topic. (Only one condition/disease!) This medical condition/disease will be the SAME TOPIC you will research throughout all your Course Project assignment steps through Week 8.(G6PD) Next, select only ONE article from a source of information relevant to any … Read more

Does this view require significant changes to, or rethinking of, important Christian doctrines?

Instructions For this assignment, you will complete a final, 1,000- to 1,200-word paper about one of the non-traditional views of the days of Genesis 1 compared and constrasted with a traditional 24-hour day, young-Earth view of Genesis 1. For this paper, you must continue to follow current Turabian format, as this is the preferred format … Read more

Choose one person and find out what you can about them for your Reflection and discussion in class. Include a background bio on the person and their education and work experience, then add in what they contributed to the area of psychology

This week, we will be exploring diversity in psychology.  find out about people of different sexes, races, ethnicities and other backgrounds that have helped to broaden the diversity of our field. You may begin on this page Ethnicity and Health in America Series: Featured PsychologistsLinks to an external site. or you may do some research … Read more

Show inclusive leadership taking place currently in organizations or with a business leader.

Write a question and defend your answer using vocab and understanding of topic. Use the results of YOUR Inclusive Leadership Reflection assessment to guide your involvement. Please provide 2 sources. Must be current (published within the last 12 months) business press articles that support your position in your post. Second, please reply to the 2 … Read more

Evaluate memory distortion concepts that applied to each example identified.

Overview For this Performance Task Assessment, you will complete an 8- to 11-page multipart Cognitive Processes analysis paper. For Part 1: Perception/Attention, you conduct a social setting experiment and evaluate perception/attention concepts applied to the situation. For Part 2: Memory Distortions, you evaluate memory distortion concepts observed in a real-life crime media production. In Part … Read more

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.

Waiting Lines Many businesses utilize waiting lines to manage customer service. For example, banks, amusement parks, supermarket checkouts, fast food restaurants, call centers, check-in counters at airports, emergency departments of hospitals, and so many more. In the course of your week, consider an experience you had that led to a temporary demand for service that … Read more

Identify ethical, culturally informed, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive strategies that address inherent biases for use in quantitative and qualitative research methods to advance the purposes of social work.

Using the template provided in the course shell, outline your Continuous Quality Improvement process, applying research findings to inform and improve practice, policy and programs. Identify ethical, culturally informed, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive strategies that address inherent biases for use in quantitative and qualitative research methods to advance the purposes of social work.