Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Scenario A midsized custom furniture retail organization has recently acquired 10 new stores and 300 new employees from a competitor. The acquisition has been announced and the new stores are scheduled for their grand reopenings in 60 days. With the acquisition of floor agents from the new stores, the sales tactics, knowledge, and processes differ … Read more

Consider the difference in cooking an egg in the pot with hot boiling water & cooking an egg in the microwave oven:

Consider the difference in cooking an egg in the pot with hot boiling water & cooking an egg in the microwave oven: Perform an experiment (actual at home or virtual in your mind) and describe what you observe as well as advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. Using your prior knowledge of conduction-convection heat transfer … Read more

What are some benefits and potential problems that might arise with the use of crab shells to power batteries?

When was the last time you used a lithium ion battery? Chances are, the laptop you use to complete your schoolwork and the smartphone you use daily contain lithium ion batteries. These rechargeable, lightweight batteries power everything from electric cars to portable electronics and bicycles. Despite their widespread use, lithium metal resources are not so … Read more

Life of Ronin in Tokugawa Japan-Complete a project roughly the equivalent of a 10-12-page paper about anything from Early Modern Japan: text-heavy projects should be roughly 3000-3500 words.

Complete a project roughly the equivalent of a 10-12-page paper about anything from Early Modern Japan: text-heavy projects should be roughly 3000-3500 words. See the rubric below for what you must include: mainly, analysis of both primary and secondary sources.Write a paper (with proper Chicago-style citations). The word requirement includes captions or alt-text for images, … Read more

Criminal justice- respond to Madeline with 150. words

respond to Madeline with 150. words Murder in my manslaughter are both very serious crimes which involve killing a person unlawfully, but can differ, depending on the intent and circumstances of the situation. Murder is often characterized by a delivery intent to cause serious harm or to kill. Often premeditated manslaughter usually involves a lack … Read more

Demonstrate your engagement with the course material, highlighting your learning. For example: Ask the student a question to expand the analysis.

  Instructor Directions: Responses: In responding to others note what you find interesting in others’ posts and why, developing an analysis. • Your response might seek to clarify ideas or bring something new into the discussion. • A response of “I really agree with what you said” or “ditto!” does not reflect your thoughts or … Read more

Explain Genetic disorder research project

Genetic Disorder Research Project My chosen disorder is Diabetes Project Summary Your job is to create an informative brochure that contains information about your assigned genetic disorder. Your audience is family members or friends who know someone with your chosen disorder. Assume they are able to read, with at least an 8th-grade reading level. So, … Read more

Write an INTRODUCTION that shares why you selected the topic you did and what it means to you. This should be at least one to two paragraphs long.

Early childhood Education Step 1: Complete the final assignment for INFO 300! Using the resources identified in INFO 300 you will write a short (at least 3 pages) reflective paper analyzing, summarizing and synthesizing the topic selected in INFO 300. Step 2 Using the resources identified in INFO 300, write least a 3-page reflective paper … Read more

Identify specific academic skill support resources at Walden University to plan to use in your skill development. By Day 7

Social work is a practice profession—you apply your learning in practical ways. In the same way you apply your learning to serve clients, you can seek out and apply solutions to your academic needs in a practical way. Academic skills are not magical or illusive—they can be learned, strengthened, and applied to achieve your goals. … Read more