PRC Threat-Cox Committee Investigation

The final research essay comprises a Congressional report examining the threat posed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and an evaluation of the counterintelligence (CI) analysis utilized to derive conclusions within the report. This assignment aims to assess students’ assimilation of course topics and enhance their research and critical thinking skills. It requires a … Read more

Writer’s Choice

To apply course material in a creative way, you will critically analyze the messages that popular love songs send about relationships. Find a song related to love, intimacy, or romance. Copy and paste the full lyrics of the song into your document. Identify three concepts from the textbook and/or lecture that relate to this song … Read more

film paper

First, watch the HBO film of Margaret Edson’s play, “WIT” from 2001. This film is available online via several subscription services (e.g., Hulu, HBO Max, Amazon?) however, I believe the following links will take you to full versions. Good Luck. Minimize Video (YouTube, broken down into smaller segments) to an external site. to … Read more

Writer’s Choice

Healthcare is extensively regulated. a. Describe the importance of regulation for a healthcare manager. b. Why are many economists opposed to licensure of medical facilities and personnel? c. Identify circumstances in which both public and private regulation are present. d. Hospital privileges usually restrict what physicians can do. Medical licenses do not. What drives this … Read more

Systems Map of Global Problem: Explanation of what the visual is trying to communicate (explain the system step by step).

Directions: You will be creating a visual map of the system behind the problem you have identified. (i.e., you will Illustrate this issue as a system). Using ChatGPT and Google search, and the databases available through the library, you will research the problem enough to be able to identify the players and forces that are … Read more

Health and Medicine-Identify quality indicators used (Quality indicators are what is being evaluated, measured, or tracked to determine if the quality initiative is successful.)

Attend a quality improvement meeting in a HEALTHCARE setting (from the past 5 yrs.) or review minutes from one that has occurred. Give a brief summary of the meeting Identify a quality improvement project discussed (On what project[s] are they focused for improvement?) Identify quality indicators used (Quality indicators are what is being evaluated, measured, … Read more

On The Endocrine System

“New Insights into the Role of the Gut Microbiome in Regulating Metabolism”Journal: Nature Reviews Endocrinology  Why it’s cool: article discusses the emerging field of microbiome-endocrine axis research. Touches on how gut bacteria can influence hormone production and signaling, in turn impacting metabolic health and diseases like diabetes and obesity. It’s a very fascinating area of … Read more

Immigration Case Management

Discuss the legal issues that arise when an employee who was not dismissed for cause but whose performance was less than satisfactory requests a letter of reference from an employer.