What are the main sources of employment in Mexico?

1.What are the main sources of employment in Mexico? 2.According to the video generally which class of people migrate from Mexico to the United States and why? 3.Research North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and fully explain how NAFTA is affecting the economy in Mexico? 4.As a professional Case Manager, how would you express empathy … Read more

Describe personal dimensions of how this problem/situation may have somehow touched your life, including a discussion of your personal ethical standpoint and the origin of that ethical standpoint (you must be reflective in this section).

My personal situation involves a court-ordered family counseling program. The counselor started having sex with my sister, the youngest member of the family, when she was only 14 during the counseling session. Self-Assessment Reflection Paper Instructions This assignment requires students to begin to apply ethical principles of social work or human services to guide professional … Read more

HR professionals must be able to develop a professional, legally defensible structured selection interview using up-to-date job information.

Talent Acquisition Project II Selection Interview Purpose: HR professionals must be able to develop a professional, legally defensible structured selection interview using up-to-date job information. A structured interview has questions that are directly related to the job and have a process for evaluating the quality of applicant’s response to the questions. The following exercise will … Read more

Choose two of the ways the PWFA differs from the ADA and explain what steps employers should take to ensure compliance with the PWFA for both differences you describe.

  Read Chapter 12 and chapter 12 PowerPoint and answer the question below: • Choose two of the ways the PWFA differs from the ADA and explain what steps employers should take to ensure compliance with the PWFA for both differences you describe. Case 12.5 UAW v. Johnson Controls, Inc. Read Case 12.5 and attachment … Read more

An important aspect of running a successful start-up business is acquiring funding from potential investors based on information about the business.

  An important aspect of running a successful start-up business is acquiring funding from potential investors based on information about the business. In this task, you will use the skills you have acquired in the MBA coursework to complete the test market phase in a business simulation. The simulation is accessed through your course. Using … Read more

An example of how the micro and mezzo interventions were interrelated was how Shanna had to help them as individuals to complete applications and helping them get furniture, but Shanna had to advocate for the family when she had to meet in order to discuss their flood insurance.

The micro practice interventions Shanna used were finding out the immediate needs of the family and making a way for those needs to be met. One of those needs was making a doctor’s appointment for Mr. W, and ensuring they had transportation to get there. Another micro intervention used was helping to convince Mr. W … Read more

Based upon your summary, do you think that the traditional meaning of kente cloth has been lost or does the global exposure of kente cloth enhance its meaning? Why or why not?

Watch “Wrapped in Pride: The Story of Kente in America,” (1999), Films on Demand. (Search via the CSUN Library website, Databases A-Z, Films on Demand, Wrapped in Pride). https://digital-films-com.libproxy.csun.edu/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=30606&tScript=0 Write a thorough summary of the film. Be specific. Based upon your summary, do you think that the traditional meaning of kente cloth has been lost … Read more

How does the potential expiration/extension of various TCJA provisions impact your analysis and recommendation?

Facts and Objectives Facts Mr. Heeler’s business will specialize in restoring and curating rare, stylish historical finds with a modern edge. The shop showcases a unique collection of urban relics, from vintage architectural fragments and reclaimed industrial artifacts to rare cultural objects that echo the city’s hidden history. Alongside authentic artifacts, Bandit’s Urban Archeology will … Read more