Develop a slide briefing on the results of your research, including major components of your written Airport Security Program Research Paper.

The narrated slide presentation will be a visual briefing and oral presentation of the Airport Security Program Research Paper (attached). Develop a slide briefing on the results of your research, including major components of your written Airport Security Program Research Paper. The presentation will have at least 15–20 narrated slides, including a cover and reference … Read more

Israel: Culture, Politics, and Hist-How did Rabin’s assassination affect Israeli society?

Answer it in a one page paper. Double spaced. You must use at least one source from the readings. How did Rabin’s assassination affect Israeli society? Gordis 16-17 Shapira pp. 422-449 TEXTBOOKS: Required: Daniel Gordis, Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn, New York: Harper, 2017. Anita Shapira, Israel: A History, Massachusetts: Brandeis University … Read more

Provide a written rebuttal of at least 300 words on your partner’s video post against solitary confinement.

Provide a written rebuttal of at least 300 words on your partner’s video post against solitary confinement. Your rebuttal must be founded in at least one reference in the course literature or other literature you wish to introduce to support your position. This reference will be noted the resource list you will submit to the … Read more

Which measurement method would you be mostlikely to use? Explain why. (you must pick one

Post Discussion: Chapter 11 and Reply to a Classmate 1. Watch the following videos. 2. From the videos above, answer the following questions: Which measurement method would you be mostlikely to use? Explain why. (you must pick one) Which measurement method would you be leastlikely to use? Explain why. (you must pick Post Discussion: Chapter … Read more

This assignment provides a programmatic plan for building a simple resume that you can use to apply for employment. Follow the assignment step-by-step in MS Word to demonstrate your MS Word proficiency. This is a formatting exercise.

This assignment provides a programmatic plan for building a simple resume that you can use to apply for employment. Follow the assignment step-by-step in MS Word to demonstrate your MS Word proficiency. This is a formatting exercise. Follow the assignment instructions step-by-step to show that you know how to use MS Word, and that you … Read more

Psychology Question-The final paper is an opinion piece (based on historical facts). Please select one of the following names as presented in your .

The final paper is an opinion piece (based on historical facts). Please select one of the following names as presented in your . You should select the person that you believe has contributed the most to modern psychology as we know it today. If you would like to write about another historical figure, please contact … Read more

What are the limitations of the study that your reader needs to be aware of?

For this assignment I need to conduct a “smile experiment” but a simple hypothetical experiment is fine. Be sure your submission includes the following critical elements: * Introduction: Peer-reviewed resources—Include at least one peer-reviewed article for support. * Introduction: Hypothesis—End with your hypothesis. * Method: Development/description—Describe what you did. This should be detailed enough that … Read more

Provide a written rebuttal of at least 300 words on your partner’s video post against solitary confinement. Your rebuttal must be founded in at least one reference in the course literature or other literature you wish to introduce to support your position

Provide a written rebuttal of at least 300 words on your partner’s video post against solitary confinement. Your rebuttal must be founded in at least one reference in the course literature or other literature you wish to introduce to support your position This reference will be noted the resource list you will submit to the … Read more