Write a list of at least four resources you will need in order to implement your change proposal.

Collaborate with your preceptor to assess the clinical site for resources needed for the change proposal. Review your proposed implementation plan thus far to determine what resources would be needed if the change proposal were to be implemented. Write a list of at least four resources you will need in order to implement your change … Read more

Review of Implementation Plan-Based on faculty feedback from your Topic 5 implementation plan, make updates to your objectives and outcomes.

In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Based on faculty feedback from your Topic 5 implementation plan, make updates to your objectives and outcomes. List one objective and its associated outcome. How will you be able to evaluate whether or not … Read more

Discuss how the vulnerability can be exploited

Project: Penetration Testing Report SCENARIO You have been hired as a junior security consultant and have been tasked with performing an in-house penetration test to demonstrate your readiness to support the audit of a large corporate client that has employed your firm’s services. Conducting a penetration test consists of 1) planning the test, 2) preparing … Read more

How would you decide who gets on which lifeboat? Should those who have more needs qualify for access to more resources or less?

Imagine a sinking ship with 15 people. There are two lifeboats. One lifeboat can fit 9 people and has relatively few supplies, while the other lifeboat can fit 5 people and has ample supplies. A 70-year-old cancer patient A 40-year-old obese man with Type 2 diabetes A 20-year-old heroin addict A 30-year-old HIV positive pregnant … Read more

Construction Management – 2 Construction Management Approaches & 2 Appraisal Methods of Offshore Wind Farm Construction

The topic for this UNIT 2 essay should include: 1. Analysis of client requirements – 2 different construction management approaches for installation of offshore wind turbines THEN 2. evaluate 2 methods of project appraisal : Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) versus Life Cycle Costing (LCC). Justify one method  to evaluate the two approaches from part 1. , … Read more

Explain what strategies you will use to handle compassion fatigue so that it doesn’t become an ethical issue.

Discussion In a discussion with your field instructor, ask about the following: Explain if you have experienced or witnessed Compassion Fatigue (CF) while at the field site. (I am currently interning in the foster care unit with Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services) Discuss when CF can become an ethical issue and why. Summary … Read more

Humanities Question-How is social class and youth sport represented in the film? Is the concept of meritocracy validated?

Bad News Bears – 1976 version Paper should be 5-7 pages in length and written in APA style with cover page, citations and reference list. Should be written in narrative/essay form with the concepts in the questions below highlighted in bold. Submit only via email by Thursday, December 12 Please identify a major ethical dilemma … Read more