Business and Economics-Business Practices, ideally a deep dive on a specific topic, issue, initiative, methodology or framework that intrigues you. Writer please Choose: Whatever sounds most appealing to you.

An independent study on a topic within the broad field of Sustainable Business Practices, ideally a deep dive on a specific topic, issue, initiative, methodology or framework that intrigues you. Writer please Choose: Whatever sounds most appealing to you. Please strive to develop and propose a narrow topic that you can explore deeply rather than … Read more

What are the diferences between substance-induced psychotic disorder and a psychotic disorder? How would

  Assessment Descriiption A person sufering from PTSD and a substance use disorder can be complicated to treat. As they abstain from substances, their trauma-related symptoms may increase. How would you go about treating this person? Include at least one scholarly source to support your response. Cite any scholarly references accordingly using Page 18 Grand … Read more

How well does the theory of the Technology S-Curve explain innovations in the automotive industry and why?

Questions relate to the case studies attached. The essay questions ask for short, sharp answers of up to 200 words each.Question 1Use your knowledge of the case study Dreamliner. Was the Dreamliner a case of corporate or network innovation and why? Question 2Use your knowledge of the case study the Evolution of the EV. How … Read more

Using discussion board posts, students will share knowledge and experience on the topic below using scholarly message board forum

Purpose: Using discussion board posts, students will share knowledge and experience on the topic below using scholarly message board forums. Discussion board post will allow for professional discussion and feedback among students exercising cognitive and critical thinking skills, which allows for thoughtful reflection on the topic. Army forces, as an element of the Joint Force, … Read more

Discuss the relationship between substance use and the symptoms of personality disorders.

Super Star Writer ID: 320004008complete both week 7 and week 8DQs and complete both assightment s for bothe week follow Syllabus 1. Identify the types of personality disorders and predominant symptoms. [NASAC 4, 14, 23] 2. Describe challenges associated with treating personality disorders. [NASAC 4, 14, 23] 3. Discuss the relationship between substance use and … Read more

Describe and explain how commanders and staffs analyze factors such as determine constraints, identify critical facts, and develop assumptions of mission analysis

Question 1: Describe and explain how commanders and staffs analyze factors such as determining specified, implied, and essential tasks & review available assets and identify resource shortfalls when constructing a comprehensive operational understanding during mission analysis. Provide examples, whether real-world or hypothetical from our rich military history to illustrate how effective analysis at this stage … Read more

Final Learning Agreement-developed to guide practicum experiences and support achievement of course outcomes.

During the NR632 course, a Learning Agreement will be developed to guide practicum experiences and support achievement of course outcomes. The Learning Agreement will include self-identified goals and activities to facilitate achievement of course learning outcomes. During Week 1 (due at the end of Week 1), the Learning Agreement will be created by you, approved … Read more

Writer’s Choice-Great work on this research paper. think you’ve made great strides in connecting Sharif’s poetry with your secondary sources, especially with Forché’s poetry of witness. The source on ekphrasis is more unclear. 

The following are notes from my teacher: Great work on this research paper. think you’ve made great strides in connecting Sharif’s poetry with your secondary sources, especially with Forché’s poetry of witness. The source on ekphrasis is more unclear. Please see my in-text comments about the paper! In general terms, I think the subheadings are … Read more