Write an 1800-word paper. Use 12-point font with one-inch margins all around. Single-space your lines within the paragraphs but double-space between paragraphs.

Precept: For this paper, discuss the LOAC considerations that come into play when planning the targeted killing of an organized armed group leader by U.S. drone strike in a NIAC conflict. For purposes of this paper, assume the organized armed group leader is a regional ISIL leader in Iraq. Instructions and format: Write an 1800-word … Read more

Who is the event for? If media outlets end up writing about your event, who would you hope is reading/listening/viewing their news stories? What do you want them to think/understand/do?

Media Kit Background Research (total length 4-5 pages): You will start the process of creating a media kitLinks to an external site. by first conducting research on a Boston-based organization of your choice. The research will not be in the media kit itself. These analyses will be in a “behind the scenes” document while the … Read more

What leading and/or lagging indicator has your organization used to develop a business case that made a goal a priority? How effective was it? Explain and give an example.

1. Human Resource Management (4 pages in length) (APA citations) (in-text citations are a must) Strategic Talent Management The purpose of this assignment is to help you achieve the course outcome 3 and the module outcome 1 & 2. You are the HR Director for a regional trauma hospital in rural America. The hospital employs … Read more


The thesis was written before one of your colleagues, however my professors ordered me to rewrite again starting from scratch due to not meeting the requirements of the University. just attaching the old version here to give you a clue and Not to deliver the same quality. would like you to write a totally new … Read more

How will you measure your own progress in achieving your career goals?

Please for a career choose Board Certified Behavior Assistant Analyst Anthropological Psychology Psych. Learning, Memory & Cog. Interviewing Techniques Experimental Personality & Soc Physiological Psychology Research Methodology Functional Assessment and Functional Ethics and Professional Conduct for Behavior Analysis Concepts and Principles of Behavior Measurement and Experimental Design in Behavior Analysis Supervision, Management, and Intervention Behavior … Read more

Homeland Security-Evaluate privacy and Constitutional issues related to homeland security regarding the group’s complaints.

Scenario: You are a homeland security advisor. Your agency has recently been the subject of complaints by a specific civil liberties group. This group continues to allege violations of civil liberties on certain groups of people. This group believes the USA PATRIOT Act from 2001 is still the law of the land. Your supervisor has … Read more

Describe the strategies for working with clients with co-occurring disorders.

Topic 3: Treatment and Recovery Objectives: 1. Diferentiate between treatment and recovery regarding co-occurring disorders. [NASAC 4, 10, 14, 106] 2. Explain the diferent treatment settings for persons with co-occurring disorders. [NASAC 4, 10, 14, 23, 106] 3. Explain the use of psychopharmacological interventions. [NASAC 4, 10, 14] 4. Describe the strategies for working with … Read more