Facial Expressions Detection using Compact Convolutional Transformers(CCT)

Make sure that a Github Repository README type document explaining your project is included along with screenshots of your system.This is what you have to do this is the final project: Facial Expressions Detection using Compact Convolutional Transformers(CCT) Description: The aim of this project is to design and implement a system capable of accurately detecting … Read more

Analyze actions taken in response to an ethical dilemma, using an ethical code.

Imagine that over the past few months you have participated in several organizational projects and met many new people. The opportunities to collaborate and demonstrate your emerging skills as a leader prompted you to think about applying for a new position. After exploring online job postings, you prepared a resume and submitted the application to … Read more

Describe culturally sensitive strategies for reporting the results of a program evaluation.

To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you must use the Week 10 Assignment Template [DOCX] Download Week 10 Assignment Template [DOCX] and include the following sections for Part 3:   Title Page. Communicating Results to Counselors and Colleagues (approximately one page). Communicating Results to Stakeholders (approximately one page). Ethical and Cultural Considerations When … Read more

Examine the influences, effects and outcomes of a vaccine, an antimicrobial or a disease caused by a microorganism. Paper should incorporate from CDC, WHO, and literary resources.

Examine the influences, effects and outcomes of a vaccine, an antimicrobial or a disease caused by a microorganism. Paper should incorporate from CDC, WHO, and literary resources. Minimum 6 credible references.1″ margins, double spacing and 12-point Times Roman font. Five pages in length (not including cover page, abstract, references, etc.)

Does your analysis show that you understand the societal context of education?

My Topic: “How does participation in school sports impact academic performance and social development?” Do some research….four (4) scholarly sources Write paper on the research question (Total Work should be around 1500 words) Create an annotated bibliography: basically a Works Cited page with explanations Here’s a good guide to show you how to do that: … Read more

Propose an Innovative Solution Using the Steps of the IOWA Model

COURSE COMPETENCY: Propose an evidence-based solution aligned with an evidence-based practice question INSTRUCTIONS: Content: Applying The Iowa Model Revised: Evidence-Based Practice to Promote Excellence in Health Care create a written proposal for these components of an evidence-based practice solution. Implementation plan for the proposed evidence-based practice solution including: Description of key stakeholders Proposed timeline The … Read more

How have the modules and assignments of this course transformed your understanding of this work from your initial/original analysis in Discussion

The Apocalyptic Art, Popular Culture, & Film Presentation assignment provides an opportunity to analyze how a present-day movie, TV show, or TV series translates apocalyptic themes, concepts, and topics, and is designed to encourage you to reflect on the ways in which the modules of this course have transformed your initial understanding of the theme … Read more

Explain how metabolic pathways are regulated.

You are required to write an essay, with labelled diagrams, which demonstrates your understanding of cell metabolism. You must include the following within your essay: • An explanation of the generation of ATP in metabolism. • An explanation of the term metabolic pathway. • An explanation of how metabolic pathways are regulated. • An explanation … Read more

How would you use your strategy in order to extend development that empowers communities disproportionately affected by development?

You will choose one of the following topics below and apply it to an analysis of a conflict — or a set of conflicts — or success/ development — or a set of successes/ developments. Your paper will develop three parts. Please label each section as follows: Conflict/ Development Analysis: In this section of analysis … Read more