Discuss “Out of Africa” and how it relates to human biological diversity how human biological diversity compares to other species reasons for human homogeneity.

Chap. 7: Paleoanthropological methods Process of fossilization—environmental influences. For types of fossils, focus on human/animal remains. You do not need to know any other types of fossils. Limitations of the fossil record Relative dating Law of superposition Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphy Absolute (Chronometric) dating Radiocarbon dating Radio potassium dating Reconstruction of ancient environments Bone chemistry stable … Read more

Identify health, safety, and environmental risks in early care and education programs.

PART 1 Self-Evaluation of Preparedness to Meet and Apply Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Rationale. The rationale for this assignment is to help you evaluate your preparedness to meet and apply the lessons and skills from the Course Learning Outcomes from this course. Part of being an educational professional is the ability to do a self-evaluation … Read more


Kinesiology 476: MUSCULOSKELETAL BIOMECHANICS AND INJURY Speculation and Independent Thought (IT) and evaluation are strongly encouraged, based on what you read and discover. Merely summarizing facts and information will not receive highest credit. References – The articles and books you use as sources are to be listed alphabetically (by the first author’s last name) in … Read more

Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor.

Review the national healthcare issue/stressor you examined in your Assignment for Module 1, and review the analysis of the healthcare issue/stressor you selected. Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor. Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post … Read more

anth 130 extra DURAID

Chap. 7: Paleoanthropological methods Process of fossilization—environmental influences. For types of fossils, focus on human/animal remains. You do not need to know any other types of fossils. Limitations of the fossil record Relative dating Law of superposition Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphy Absolute (Chronometric) dating Radiocarbon dating Radiopotassium dating Reconstruction of ancient environments Bone chemistry stable isotopes … Read more

Explain elective analysis of a trauma session

It needs 2000 words, with at least eight references in APA7, covering polygonal theory, safety and security in session, grounding and trauma and neuroscience, top down and bottom up treatments, trauma focused deep listening and reflections to ethical considerations in trauma  

Write 200 words on Ford’s Mise-en-Scene, his portrayal of masculinity, the “civilization vs chaos and anarchy” theme, and Ford’s ultimate deconstruction of the Western.

1. Not Wanted (Readings: Farber Underground) 2. Vertigo (Write 200 words on Hitchcock’s Vertigo. Focus on the cinematography, use of music and color symbolism, as well as reflecting on the intensity of the obsession of Stewart’s character.) 3. Strangers on a Train (Reading: Petrie’s Alternatives to Auteurs)- Question: In your response, write 200 words discussing … Read more

Can you compare and contrast different ways of communicating between characters with different aspects to their identities or in different contexts?

What aspect of identity will you be considering in your analysis, and how does it shape and inform the dynamics of communication in the example you’ve selected? What is the context and setting of this conversation, and how does it represent a piece of real-world interactions that you are familiar with? What have you read … Read more

Are housing prices in your regional market lower than the national market average?

Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Apply statistical techniques to address research problems Perform hypothesis testing to address an authentic problem Overview In this project, you will apply inference methods for means to test your hypotheses about the housing sales market for a region of the United States. … Read more