How does each paragraph or section connect to the main ideas or points you want to make about this community and the ways they write?

While it may seem like revision is a quick final step in the writing process, it can and should be given significant time in longer writing projects. Any piece of writing can be improved, and as clear and well-formed as a first draft might seem, it’s always a good idea to give yourself the time … Read more

Summarize an example of how a hospitality organization is adding value to the guest experience in a unique way.

Your assigned readings this week focus on adding value to the hospitality experience and competitive strategies in the hospitality industry. For this discussion, find, post a link, and summarize an example of how a hospitality organization is adding value to the guest experience in a unique way. Be sure to include in your summary the … Read more

HIV stigma-Talk about ethical research how you would do it.

1)Reasech needs to be clear that the articles are literature review. 2)Methodology paragraphRefer to prisma .Look at inclusion and exclusion criteriaInclude diversity. 3)Talk about ethical research how you would do it. But concentrate on systematic review and not quantitative research as you are not the one conducting the interviews.Its secondary research not primary so make … Read more

Business and Economics-What are the benefits and costs of a Lean Six Sigma program and how should they be tracked?

Course Objectives: CO4: Integrate tools such as process mapping, quality control charts, other quality tools, and inventory models to support supply chain management effectiveness CO8: Compose the results of operations and case studies effectively in writing the results of operations analysis and case studies Prompt: According to the assigned case study, as 3M went through … Read more