Building a character for my monolouge-Using the text to find given circumstances from the playwright to answer the questions, you then get to use your imagination to come up with what isn’t given to you by the text. You get to make character choices that are exciting to you to bring to life

Using the text to find given circumstances from the playwright to answer the questions, you then get to use your imagination to come up with what isn’t given to you by the text. You get to make character choices that are exciting to you to bring to life

This is a very condensed version of the character work we do in my acting classes. It gives you a taste of how to build a human 3-dimensional character who has a life outside of just the play or monologue. Answering these help you to imagine yourself as ‘someone else’ and look at life through their eyes.

My name is:
I am ________ years old
I am from:
My profession is (how i spend my time – can be student, unemployed, etc.,):
Five facts that I know from the text (GIVEN CIRCUMSTANCES)
Five things I intuit/imagine (but which are not stated in the text) 1)
A telling line I speak is:
My greatest fear is:
My greatest longing is:
My likes include:
My dislikes include:
Sensations I Relate To –or— Describe me
CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT (not about you for character)
My full name:
My favorite animal:
My favorite movie:
My favorite song:
Today I ate:
:My favorite color:
My favorite school subject:
My favorite clothing:
My mode of transportation:
I love:
I hate:
i hope
My favorite thing to do:
What makes me laugh:
What makes me cry:

When people first meet me they think:
My favorite thing about myself:
My least favorite thing about myself:
What I want most in the world is:
I am:

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