Should the document that came out of the Constitutional Convention have been ratified even though it was made in secret, was supposed to only fix the Articles of Confederation and did not have a Bill of Rights?

Answer the question: Should the document that came out of the Constitutional Convention have been ratified even though it was made in secret, was supposed to only fix the Articles of Confederation and did not have a Bill of Rights? Why or why not?

DNP Project Dual Diagnosis in Mental Health-Develop the clinical project plan to include indirect and direct healthcare clinical hours at an approved healthcare facility to complete the required clinical hours for this course.

1. Develop the clinical project plan to include indirect and direct healthcare clinical hours at an approved healthcare facility to complete the required clinical hours for this course. (AACN 1.3, 2.3, 4.1, 4.2 2. Organize the narrative sections or body of the formal quality project plan using headings and subheadings to signal parts of the … Read more

Discuss both sides of the issue in these cases.

Controversies of War Loot (you need to answer this for 2 students differently) R ead chapter 11, pages 279-292 in online textLinks to an external site.. Art changes hands by legal means of purchasing artwork and by illegal means of acquiring through unethical ways during archaeological digs and during times of war. Artwork acquired by … Read more

Research one symbol that is represented in religion. You can choose one of the examples in the text, such as the triangle, the dove, the circle, or light, or you can choose a different symbol.

Read chapter 10, pages 253-277 in online text Links to an external site.. Just about every temple, church, place of worship, and most religious art in general is symmetrical. Some art is composed of geometric designs. The geometry and symmetry in religious art is there to reassure. Show you they are stable, calm and to … Read more

Choose which pictures to take and which to ignore. Editors select only a few images to print.

Photography and Fact ( you need to answer this for two students differently) Read Chapter 11, pages 279-292 in online textLinks to an external site.. Photography and Fact No unread replies.No replies. Photography is often associated with factual reporting. The camera, however, records only one point of view, and that can be edited quite easily … Read more

How did they change since the invention of the smart phone in the 21st century?

  Discussion Topic: Portraits and Photography Portraits and Photography Prior to the invention of photography, portrait painting was reserved for royalty, the wealthy, or important members of society because it was expensive and required a lot of time. Photography opened up the possibilities for the average person to capture their likeness in a portrait. Portraits … Read more

Explain how using the research approach allows us to ensure evidence-based practice and helps guide resolutions for the improvement of care.

Describe how the research process is used to communicate findings relevant to problems or issues within health care. Provide an example of how you have seen or used the research process in the health care field or in your education. Explain how using the research approach allows us to ensure evidence-based practice and helps guide … Read more