Are Plastic Bag Bans Good for the Climate?

Read Part 1: Understanding Argument Chapter 1. What is Argument? Chapter 2. Critical Reading of Written Argument Chapter 3. Critical Reading of Multimodal Argument Chapter 4. Writing Argument Analysis Complete practice assignments: Part One Assignments: 1. Read pages 3-5 and complete the discussion questions on Figures 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 on page 5. Then read … Read more

What strategies would you use to increase the likelihood that a new or modified clinical practice guideline would be adopted and used in clinical practice?

Describe the clinical practice guideline used for this problem. Reflect on the questions included. Expand on your answer using support from evidence Does the clinical practice guideline adequately address the health problem? Describe. Is this practice guideline based on current evidence (within 5 years)? What is the strength of this evidence? Does this clinical practice … Read more

Emergency management-In order to be able to complete these first two steps you will have to watch the Green River Project and Briefing Videoin this module and carefully take notes on what hazards you should be worried about as you conduct your hazards analysis.

The scenario on which your project is based centers around a small make-believe city called Green River. In this scenario you are a member of the city’s Emergency Operations Planning Team. In order to be able to complete these first two steps you will have to watch the Green River Project and Briefing Videoin this … Read more

“In what way do you feel that the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, will or will not change higher education?

Complete your essay answering the following question: “In what way do you feel that the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, will or will not change higher education? If you assess it will not change, provide reasons why not. If you assess it will change higher education, describe how and whether the … Read more

Industrial Hygiene

You are asked to evaluate employees’ exposures to methyl n-amyl ketone during a painting operation using NIOSH Method 2553 for the sampling. You can access the method by clicking the link below: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2003). Ketones II: Method 2553. Please answer the following questions: Your pre-sampling and post-sampling pump calibration … Read more

Develop the body of your essay by integrating the seven articles you selected (and textbook if applicable) and appropriately citing your sources in APA style within the essay (this will be the bulk of your paper).

This project gives you an opportunity to explore in depth the topic you selected previously, and found peer reviewed articles related to it. Now it is time to write up your research. Your essay should be at least 5-pages long, must include within-text citations in APA style and at least 7 peer-reviewed sources. Also, the … Read more

Analytic Memo-Provide data from peer reviewed sources on racial and gender inequality in higher education

Affirmative Action Policies have long been a source of hope, controversy, and resentment among the American people. Even as inequality along racial and gender lines persists in universities and workplaces, Americans disagree as to the best way to remediate these problems. Please read the following articles on the recent Supreme Court decision that ended the … Read more