Determine whether the research design selected by the researchers—systematic review, systematic review with meta-analysis, or meta-synthesis —answers their stated research question.

PURPOSE The purpose of this discussion is to demonstrate your understanding of the review and appraisal of a systematic review that includes systematic review with meta-analysis, or meta-synthesis, and to use skills in the appraisal of research studies in your future role as a DNP-prepared nurse. Importantly, you will review the background and intention of … Read more

Should prisons be privatized?

visit the Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) at Links to an external perform some basic research on the topic. There you can use either the Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints database or the Points of View Reference Center (EBSCO) database to find an article that would support your argument. You are looking for a … Read more


  1. In column E, use an =IF function to automatically assign the applicant to a Risk Score Bucket based on the Risk Scores, according to the chart below (i.e. A risk score of 800 or more should automatically display the word “Excellent,” 750-799 should display the words “Very Good,” and so on). a. Run … Read more

Complete the discussion using the following guidelines

Choose a South American country that produces quality wine. Describe two different traditional menu items or meals from the country the wine is produced in. Discuss the ingredients and method of preparation involved in making the dish. Follow this up with typical wine pairings with each of the two meals. Finally discuss how the wine … Read more

Writing Question

What are your three biggest takeaways from this film? How does the marketing / publicity from BP contrast with the reality experienced by locals and workers affected by the oil spill? In what ways are the debates around regulations on oil drilling focused on saving jobs versus saving the environment? What are the effects of … Read more

Jazz through Stevie Wonder

Write an 11 to 12 page paper on Jazz through the exploration of Stevie Wonder and how that influenced the black community and civil rights movements. Also a point to make is how Stevie Wonder gave a voice to the black community and instilled liberation. Use examples of songs of scholarly pieces that demonstrate his … Read more