Explain your position with substantive scholarly evidence. Your response must include a minimum of 10 sources assigned throughout this course.

Final Paper- 50%
From your interpretations and original insights gained from class assignments, lectures, and seminars, and current events respond to the following writing prompt:

By 1967, federal legislation was passed to eradicate de jure discrimination in the United States. Still, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. posed a question that suggested more work needed to be done to achieve racial equality. That year, he published a book titled Where do we go from here?:

Chaos or Community in one of his final acts of civil rights leadership before his assassination. Over a half a century later, King’s question remains relevant. Or does it? How would you answer this question?

Based on the historical context, discussions, ideas gained from course content, current events, and your own personal insights, compose a sincere reflection that addresses the direction in which you believe the United States is headed- chaos or community- and the action(s), if any, the nation must take in order to best exemplify principles of equity and justice for people of all racial, cultural, social, gender, and economic backgrounds.

Explain your position with substantive scholarly evidence.
Your response must include a minimum of 10 sources assigned throughout this course. Further, in order to best support your original argument, your paper should include an additional five self-selected sources.

All sources must be cited throughout the paper and included in the bibliography. Papers must be between 3,500 to 4,500 words (10 to 12 pages) excluding the heading, citations and bibliography. Paper must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12, with one-inch margins.
Documentation for all references and quotations must be in Chicago Manual style. Written assignments are required to be submitted using Microsoft Word. There are no exceptions to this rule. Documents should be proofread to avoid spelling and grammatical mistakes. Additionally, all written assignments will be evaluated based on “quality” and not simply “quantity.” Papers must be uploaded to Blackboard. Contact me for support with any questions related to the task as early as possible. Emailed and/or late papers WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Final papers are due by T

For some sources, can you do The Willie Lynch letter, confessions of Nat Turner, and Martin Luther’s book “where do we go from here”. Don’t have to do all of those, the rest can be self-found sources.

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