For this research paper, you are going to select as your topic one of the “bad ideas” Greg Lukianoff and Johnathan Haidt explore in Coddling of the American Mind, such as safe spaces, microaggressions, or moral


For this research paper, you are going to select as your topic one of the “bad ideas” Greg Lukianoff and Johnathan Haidt explore in Coddling of the American Mind, such as safe spaces, microaggressions, or moral tribes, etc. First, you will need to argue that the trend you are focusing on has had a primarily positive or negative effect (of some combination thereof) on iGen. If you choose to argue that the idea or trend has been primarily positive, then you will need to show how it can be encouraged or improved. On the other hand, if you choose to argue that the idea or trend has mostly had a negative effect, then you will need to pose a reasonable, practicable solution.

Either of these stances will require that you first persuade your readers, using your sources as evidence, that the trend you are focusing on is or is not problematic. (This should take up most of the essay). Then you will need to show how it can be resolved or encouraged. This can include the creation of a new law, starting an organization to raise awareness, or launching a novel advertisement campaign. The solution or method of improvement is entirely up to you.

The Final Research Paper must be 1600- 1700 words in length and use 5-7 reputable, academic sources (at least four must be scholarly articles from academic journals). Wikipedia is not allowed; you may use two .com references, but you should be very cautious. (Fake news abounds!) You must use MLA format, which means, in addition to having the proper set-up, you are required to have a Works Cited page (the Works Cited page does not count towards the total page number). Remember, this is an argumentative, not an informative, essay, which means you are required to have a clear, debatable thesis, and use your sources to prove that thesis. A successful paper will not only present information found on the topic but use sources as evidence and proof for your thesis.

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