How do you understand these reactions? How do you manage these reactions within and outside of the treatment situation? How might emotionally tuning in to your own reactions be helpful to you as the client’s social worker?

Goal of the Assignment: The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate your skills in comprehensive trauma-informed assessment and treatment planning. Please choose one of your own clients or use one of the cases from the course. Write a five-page, double-spaced paper discussing the topics covered below.


Please offer your own comprehensive trauma-informed assessment of the client and family in the case study. Include any behavioral, emotional, psychological, spiritual, social, environmental/macro, and cognitive risk factors as well as pertinent details about symptomatology and duration. Also, discuss client’s strengths and protective factors in the case study. Finally, document one standardized measure that you would use with this client and provide your rationale for using it with the client.
Using the client’s risk and protective factors, identify three main treatment plan goals. Document three common trauma-informed practice elements we have discussed in class and explain your use of the practice elements and intervention objectives to meet the goals of your treatment plan.

Discuss the sociocultural issues (e.g., racism, oppression), including potential unconscious biases, that impact your assessment and treatment of this case. When applicable, consider the influence of age, racialized identity, language, immigration, acculturation, gender roles, social class, stigma, ability, illness identity, spirituality/religion, and other pertinent factors. Discuss any effects of current or historical racism, oppression and/or trauma experienced by the client, family, and client system.
Discuss your emotional, psychological, and/or physical reactions (countertransference) to the case.

How do you understand these reactions? How do you manage these reactions within and outside of the treatment situation? How might emotionally tuning in to your own reactions be helpful to you as the client’s social worker?

Format: Typed, double-spaced 5-page paper with bibliography in APA 7 style. Please adhere to APA 7 guidelines for formatting.

Utilize these sources, and feel free to add additional sources.

Title: Treating Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents: How to Foster Resilience through Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency.
ISBN: 9781462537051
Authors: Margaret E. Blaustein, Kristine M. Kinniburgh
Publisher: Guilford Publications
Publication Date: 2019-01-01
Edition: Second Edition (do not go past chapter 6)

Title: Treating Complex Trauma in Children and Their Families
ISBN: 9781483324593
Authors: Cheryl B. Lanktree, John N. Briere
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Publication Date: 2016-01-04 (do not go past chapter 9)

The case study can be the Emma Grace story in the slide deck attached.

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