Arithmetic Operations and solving radical Equation-Illustrate how a radical equation can be solved. Next, explain how the resulting equation is equivalent to the original when you square each side of an equation.


This post is similar to the module notes, assignments, and homework. In this post, you will demonstrate and apply your understanding of what you have learned about solving or simplifying problems related to radical expressions (CO.4). You will use what you have learned throughout the module to develop an answer for the below prompt/ discussion question.


Illustrate how a radical equation can be solved. Next, explain how the resulting equation is equivalent to the original when you square each side of an equation. Note: In this discussion, you will not be able to see other students’ posts until you have made a post of your own.

Submission Criteria :

Your initial response should be 100-200 words in length, reflecting on the prompt above.
Offer illustrative examples to enhance understanding.
Provide clear and concise explanations
Student Interactions:

Reply to at least two classmates’ posts. Your response to your classmate’s discussion should be around 50 words (each) and add to the discussion (i.e. reflecting on their response, asking questions, etc.).
Share any additional insights or examples that could complement their understanding of the discussed concepts.
Encourage discussion by asking questions or seeking clarification on points made by peers.

Assignments Descriptions:

This activity is worth 10% of the final grade and will be graded based on provided rubrics. Participation in the Discussion Boards is a crucial part of the course and serves several purposes. It helps students review the course material before assignments or exams, encourages critical thinking, fosters community, and allows for reflecting on readings

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