Write a paper that focuses on spiritual risk. Specifically, the student will choose one of the kings in either 1 or 2 Kings and evaluate the effectiveness of that king as it pertains to risk management.


This assignment is designed to help the student in the field of theory development. By considering risk management theory through the lens of scripture and theology, the student should be able to begin to see risk as applied to people at a deeper level than most modern theory
considers. By wrestling with and developing a definition of spiritual risk, the student must consider both the spiritual component and the risk component, merging theory from each to support their proposed definition. By considering a particular king from 1 or 2 Kings, the student
also has the opportunity to apply their definition in a practical and historical context. Ideally, this exercise should help the student to consider risk at a more personal level.


The student will write a paper that focuses on spiritual risk. Specifically, the student will choose one of the kings in either 1 or 2 Kings and evaluate the effectiveness of that king as it pertains to risk management.

This paper should also propose a definition of spiritual risk and support that definition using scripture, references, and risk management theory.

• 7-page length requirement, which should include an abstract of 150-250 words;

• Excluded from this length is the title page and reference section;

• APA formatted;

• 5 references are required in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible;

• Acceptable sources include scholarly articles published within the last five years.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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