Develop a thesis on a piece of writing. Write a research paper using MLA research format.

Justification of the Research Paper: Class Objectives: Write research-based critical papers about the assigned readings in clear and grammatically correct prose, using various critical approaches to literature. Provide the student practice in the use of the MLA research format by using library databases for both print and online sources. Essay Overview: Write a research-based critical literary analysis essay on significant British works of literature. Focus on literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

Use grammatically correct prose in papers that use various critical approaches to literature. Develop a thesis on a piece of writing. Write a research paper using MLA research format. Use library databases and library resources to support that thesis. Essay Requirements: At least 1,500 words (approximately 5-7 pages) Typed MLA format—documentation, Works Cited, headings, headers, margins, font, etc. A minimum of five secondary sources listed on Works Cited page and cited in the paper (Remember if it is on the Works Cited, it must be cited in the writing.) IMPORTANT!!!! PLEASE READ: Sources That May Be Used: Your literature choice cannot count as 1 of your 5 sources, but it must be listed on the Works Cited and cited in the paper.

Use library resources for your secondary sources. (If you use Bloom’s Literature, it can count as no more than ONE of your 5 sources). You may use ebooks, print books, textbooks, database articles, and other subject database articles as long as it supports your topic. Do NOT USE regular websites for information. Ask before you use a website outside of the library databases. If you use a dictionary, it will not count as one of your 5 sources. It would be an additional source.

AI is not a resource to be used on this paper. Realize that Grammarly will result in an AI result, and you will be required to rewrite the paper without Grammarly. You may not recycle papers from previous classes. Topics: You will analyze a piece of literature we have read. You are completely free to pick your own topic analyzing the literature we have read in this class. You might also consider taking one of the Wicked Work questions we have already worked on. Check out our work below. Wicked Work: · Beowulf · Sir Gawain and the Green Knight · The Canterbury Tales · Othello AND/OR Much Ado about Nothing Once you have an idea, Develop a debatable idea about this topic.

It is not enough to write a research paper that is factual in nature. Use the resources on our class website under Research Help Keep up with the daily work assignments, as we will go from a proposal to an outline to a thesis statement to body paragraphs. I will provide feedback each step of the way. Resources to Help: Research Help page on our class website.

This page contains this assignment page, videos, format help, and much more. Outline for comparison/contrast papers listed below Websites like Knight Cite and Easy Bib to help you All the assignments we do leading up to the final draft

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