Explain how you used global variables to develop a counter to keep track of the number of employees in the system.

This week you will develop the third functionality for the Employee Management System Project due in Week 5.
For this assignment, you will
Utilize looping to make your Python script for Functionality 2 (developed in Week 2) to run constantly.
Separate Functionality 1 (developed in Week 1) into the following two functionalities:
Add Employee – this functionality will allow users to add new employee to the system.
View all Employees – this functionality will view all employees in the system.
Use global variables to develop a counter to keep track of the number of employees in the system. A good employee management system should always give brief information about the existing number of employees. This counter can be shown to the user when they run the script as the following message:
There are (3) employees in the system.
Once you have completed Functionality 3, you must provide the following in a Word document and submit it through the Waypoint grading system:
One screen shot of the completed functionality.
An explanation of how you utilized looping to make the Python script for Functionality 2 run constantly.
A description of how you separated Functionality 1 into two functionalities.
An explanation of how you used global variables to develop a counter to keep track of the number of employees in the system.
A brief description of the purpose of this functionality.
The script for this functionality.
Next, submit the zip folder that contains the running source code for Functionality 3 to the Week 3 Zip File Submission page. If you need more guidance, review the Zip File Quick Start Guide Download Zip File Quick Start Guide. Be sure that you are sharing the zip folder with your instructor only. Your instructor will run your source code to ensure that the functionality runs correctly.
The Employee Management System – Functionality 3 Paper
Must include a screen shot of Functionality 3.
Must include an attached zip folder that contains a running source code for Functionality 3.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing CenterLinks to an external site..
Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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