Juvenile Delinquency
– The Influence of Family Dynamics on Juvenile Delinquency in Low-Income Communities
• Investigate how family relationships, socioeconomic challenges, and community support influence delinquent behaviors among youth.
-Mentorship and Prevention: How After-School Programs Impact At-Risk Youth
• Explore how structured programs help reduce delinquent behavior and foster social and academic success in underserved communities.
-Exploring the School-to-Prison Pipeline Through the Lens of Minority Youth
• Focus on how systemic inequities in education and criminal justice affect the life trajectories of minority students, with a qualitative lens on their lived experiences.
Combining Both Interests
-Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Juvenile Justice: Immigrant Youth Experiences in the System
• Compare how immigrant youth from different cultural backgrounds experience the juvenile justice system in the U.S.
– How Cultural Expectations Shape Juvenile Delinquency Among Latinx Adolescents
• Investigate whether cultural pressures, such as machismo or family honor, influence risk-taking behaviors among Latinx youth.
-Resilience After Delinquency: Exploring Cultural and Familial Influences on Rehabilitation
• Study how cultural values and family involvement contribute to rehabilitating juveniles after interactions with the justice system.
Please pick any topic listed above and make sure the Paper format is in ASA. Please use all six things are covered: The research topic (or problem to be studied) and method are decided by the students. In the proposal, a student is expected to write, at least, six sections: (1) an introduction to the research topic or problem; (2) a comprehensive literature review of the interested topic, including theories; (3) a description of the methods to be used in the proposed research; (4) a research timeline; (5) potential problems and remedies, and (6) a complete list of references (and appendix if any). and also how will it be carried out?
Please use information from textbook Wang, Gabe T. and Keumjae Park. 2016. Student Research and Report Writing: From Topic Selection to the Complete Paper. West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons Inc
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