Management in Nonprofits and Other Sectors-What are your thoughts about the emerging new model concept? What would your “hybrid ideal” look like?

Managers and leaders have different perspectives on the nonprofit sector. Tell your peers what your perspective is, or would be, as a manager of a nonprofit by responding to the following questions:

Describe the main characteristics and differences between organizations and management in the nonprofit sector with organizations and management in other sectors. Use examples from the case studies to illustrate your descriiptions from the Worth and Lee chapters, last week’s readings from Bolman and Deal, and/or the videos clips. (Cite your sources.)
“Sabeti observes that ‘organizations within the three sectors [public, for-profit, nonprofit] have been evolving—or converging—toward a fundamentally new organizational landscape'” (2009, cited in Worth, 2021, p. 40). This convergence is creating a new sector, or “fourth sector,” some call “for-benefits,” thus a “hybrid ideal” may emerge. What are your thoughts about the emerging new model concept? What would your “hybrid ideal” look like?
Ten years ago, the Aspen Institute published “The Emerging Fourth Sector” report to address the social and environmental challenges we face, while at the same time pro

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