You are looking at the procedure from a first assistants point of view. (surgical assist is utilized in place of a 2nd surgeon or resident)
The goal of this research paper: becoming an expert on the procedure, digging deep to gain surgeon-level knowledge of the steps of the procedure, surgical techniques, surgical patient, anatomy, and maneuver from the surgeons perspective.
Paper should be 90% research and the other 10% from personal experience
Paper should be like you are teaching the subject not learning it.
This is THREE SEPARTE RESEARCH PAPERS. (Surgical patient, surgical anatomy, and surgical procedure are the 3 papers.) They need to be at least 5 pages long, this doesnβt include bibliography.
References must be books, journals, website articles that a surgeon or resident would be utilizing.
1: Surgical Patient; demonstrate insight of the background of this procedure. Conditions and pathology a patient might indicate for the need of this procedure. What are the alternatives for this procedure. Display surgeon level comprehension of patient history and physical. Different surgical approaches and incisions utilized for this procedure. Advantages and disadvantages.
Paper should follow these guidelines: (make sure you are citing in the body of the paper, and listing the resources used in the bibliography.)
Introduction: history, how often preformed.
Conditions: pathologies that might require this procedure.
Contraindications: what might prevent the patient from getting the procedure. How would they qualify for the procedure again.
History: signs and symptoms that the patient might exhibit leading to the procedure.
Physical: exams, lab tests, diagnostic exams. What normal vs not normal ranges are. Please include how to read EKGβs.
Surgical Approaches: various types of approaches.
Bibliography: please us books, journals, website articles.
2: Surgical Anatomy; surgeon level knowledge of anatomy & physiology of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia, muscle, and other layers that you will encounter. Knowledge of anatomical structures. Understand the vascularity related to the structure including the origin of the artery, and any collateral blood supply. Describe any nerves that you will encounter during the procedure that might be needed to avoid any injury to structures.
Paper should follow these guidelines: (make sure you are citing in the body of the paper, and listing the resources used in the bibliography.)
Introduction: intro of system anatomy associated with the procedure.
Anatomy of the incision: describe incisions, describe the anatomy and physiology of each layer you encounter. (ex: skin, subcutaneous fat, fascia, muscle, etc.)
Surgical Anatomy: include anatomy and physiology of the structure under consideration. (ex: areola, nipple, ligaments, arteries, any other anatomy, etc.)
3: Surgical Procedure; Describe the knowledge of the preparation of the patient into the operating room and what you can do to assist the patient. Describe how you can assist the patient with comfort, positioning, safety, precautions, urinary catheter placement, skin prep, shaving, draping, etc. Understand what equipment will be needed for the procedure(ex: bovie machine, Neptune suction, sequential compression machine, bair hugger.) Surgeon level insight into the steps of the procedure.
Describe the techniques. Awareness of the possible hazards of the procedure and how to handle complications.
Recognize the role of the assist in making the case run smoothly and helping the surgeon focus on task without distraction. Describe surgeon level knowledge of wound closures, suture material, suturing and tying techniques involved. Knowledge of drains and drain wounds.
Paper should follow these guidelines: (make sure you are citing in the body of the paper, and listing the resources used in the bibliography.)
Preoperative: Patient preparation. Special equipment.
Intraoperative: steps in draping, incision, exposure.
Steps of the procedure
Postoperative: wound closure, dressing, transport
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