Read through the Overview written by the College Board to see how they evaluated this question.

This assignment asks you to evaluate student samples in response to the 2023 Question 1 prompt on the AP US Gov and Politics exam.
1. Read the Q1 prompt in the PDF below:

PDF AP US Government and Politics Free-Response Questions Set 1 v
2. Read through the Overview written by the College Board to see how they evaluated this question.

3. Review the Scoring Guidelines and student samples in this annotation assignment.

1 AP23 Q1 Set 1 Student Samples +
• Note: Student samples are quoted verbatim and may contain spelling and grammatical errors.
2. Underline (with the draw annotation tool) or drop a pin and note portions of the student responses with the following, recognizing that some samples may be missing certain evidence. (You can also print, highlight, and then upload the document):
• Evidence for scoring guideline A in blue.
• Evidence for scoring guideline B in green.
• Evidence for scoring guideline C in yellow.
3. Give a score for each student sample.

The Concept Application question expected students to apply course concepts in response to a provided real-world scenario. The focus of the scenario was a speech given by President John F. Kennedy intended to gain support for the mission to the moon as a matter of high priority for the United States. This scenario addresses several topics in the course and exam descriiption from Unit 2 related to the Big Ideas of Constitutionalism (CON) and Competing Policy Making Interests (PMI).

Ultimately, this question asked students to demonstrate an understanding of the various stages of the policymaking process and the different participants in that process or (those stages). In the first part, students were expected to understand the informal power of the president to use persuasion, or the “bully pulpit,” to set an agenda. The focus of part A of the question was for students to use the information in the scenario to demonstrate that President Kennedy was setting an agenda by appealing to the public for support of the mission.

In part B the students were expected to connect the public pressure generated by Kennedy’s use of the bully pulpit to oversight actions by Congress.
Students were expected in the context of the scenario to demonstrate an understanding that congressional oversight could be increased or decreased context of the scenario and to demonstrate that the oversight was over NASA and not the president.

In part C students were expected to demonstrate a clear understanding of how NASA could implement the agenda set by the president using its discretionary and/or rulemaking authority to carry out the proposed agenda to send a manned mission to the moon.

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