Discuss ways you can raise money to fund your project. There are a number of ways to raise money, please list as many realistic funding


Leadership Enrichment: Community Service Project Assignment
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?”

Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Cultural Enrichment Community Service Project Assignment
Dr. King taught the importance of serving others. In his honor, many communities celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with a day of service.
Part of becoming a culturally competent leader involves leaving your comfort zone, experiencing new cultures, and trying new things. Today’s youth are growing up in times that bear resemblance to the 1960s civil rights movement. As our country celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., his legacy and teachings remain particularly significant. Engaging in meaningful community activities can help today’s students better understand our country’s history and its direct links to the past.
For the purposes of this assignment create and develop a service project for your community. If you need ideas, check out the Corporation for National and Community Service (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Community service projects are different from traditional community service work because they are usually focused around one event or one goal and have distinct end points. For example, you may decide to host a community clean up. Or, you could plan a fundraiser dinner to help a local women’s shelter. These kinds of projects require a lot of planning and careful execution, so they’re best attempted by students who have confidence in their ability to follow through in those areas.
Though planning community service projects can be considerably more difficult than traditional community service work, it can also pay off in big ways, especially when considering your job applications:
It shows leadership skills.

This is a big thing that employers want to see in your extracurricular activities. According to a org survey, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. over 50% of hiring agents agree that being a leader in a project or running your own project is the best way to learn from community service experience.

Why do hiring agents love leadership?

Remember, they are on the lookout for the leaders, show them that you have the gumption to be one!
It shows the ability to plan and organize. While leadership can refer to an intangible ability to inspire others, the planning and organization skills it takes to pull off a successful community service project are noteworthy in their own right. To run a large-scale event, you will need to coordinate many people, accurately predict expenses, and create a timeline. All of these are important skills that will help you in future employment.

It shows your ability to work with others. Most community service projects will be undertaken with a group. By organizing one, you are showing that you have great people skills. You can recognize different people’s talents and understand how to use them to maximum effect.
You will show initiative and innovativeness. You saw a problem and decided that you were going to be the one to fix it. Moreover, nobody else told you howyou were going to go about doing that. This shows great critical thinking and problem-solving skills that employers love to see.
Now that you know some of the reasons for making the effort to do a community service project let’s go through the steps of successfully planning a project.

Please make each section of your plan two paragraphs or more (10 sentences). Please make your writing clear and concise. This information will be of tremendous value to you as you embark on leadership positions in the workforce. So, put some good thought into your answers, it will only help YOU in the long run.
Please include the following:
Costs and budget spreadsheet
Funding sources (no crowd funding allowed)
Camp name
Camp logo
Camp mission
Camp vision
Camp rules

Logistics i.e. what kind of camp staff will you need? Camp director, Cooks, first aid person.
Cost to attend
Future implications
Visual Aid
Step 1: Find Out and Discuss What Is Needed in Your Community
Once you have an idea of the issues present in your area, spend some time researching them. Discuss the history of the issue. Is it a new thing or has it been around a long time? What realistic steps can be taken to address it? What, if anything, have other groups done in the past to fix the issue?
Step 2: See What You Have the Ability to Do
It’s time to start asking yourself the tough, specific questions. Remember to be honest and realistic as you can.
Address the following:

What skills and talents do you have?
How many people do you realistically think you will be able to get to help you?
What skills and talents will they have?
How many hours per week can you devote to the project?

How soon do you want to do the project?
What is a realistic amount of money you will be able to raise for the project?
Do you have any materials at hand that will be helpful?
Step 3: Choose a Project

Be honest with yourself and when assessing how to make the most impact. For example, imagine that you have decided to build a home for a homeless family. Would the experience of building the home yourselves add any value for the homeless family? On the flip side, could it cause any harm? Would it be more efficient and beneficial for the family if you simply raised the money for the home and allowed professionals to do the work? Be realistic with your expectations and honest about the best way to reach your end goal.

Step 4: Develop a Plan

To start, write down exactly what you are hoping to accomplish. This will include a big-picture goal as well as the specific smaller tasks that you will need to do in order to get to that main goal.
You also need to go into the practicalities of the project. Discuss how much equipment will you need? How many people will you need to successfully complete each part of the project? How much time can each person commit to the project? How will you organize different volunteers?

Remember that you’re responsible for the success of the project and one large part of that is that it takes place safely and legally. Do some background work to check out your liabilities and research the potential complications that can arise from the project you’re planning.

Step 5: Recruit Your Volunteers

Now is the time to get some people involved. Discuss how you plan to recruit volunteers.
Step 6: Make a Budget
Discuss funding, and how much will it take to launch your community service project. Make sure you list the type of items that you need – be specific! How many will you need of each item? What is the cost per item? What is the total cost?
Don’t forget that your budget has to include more than just the physical items involved in your project. If you need a license to have an event or if you are going to pay someone to make an appearance, that will need to be factored into the budget as well.

Finally, be sure to consider practical needs, like the cost of transportation and food on the day of the event for your volunteers.

Step 7: Make a Timeline

You should already have a rough idea of how long your project will take, but now you need to narrow it down to the specifics.
Pick an end date for your project that will give you enough time to put it together. Make sure that the date is approved by all necessary authorities.

Step 8: Raise Money

Discuss ways you can raise money to fund your project. There are a number of ways to raise money, please list as many realistic funding

sources as you can. You can also contact local businesses for sponsorship, please discuss which specific local business you would contact.

Step 9: Get Publicity

Discuss how you plan to raise awareness and spread the word about each phase of your project. That is the recruiting phase, the funding phase, and the actual community service event.

Step 10: Conclusion

End your paper with a strong conclusion summarizing the project overall. A good conclusion for a business plan addresses potential threats to the organization’s success and future Implications.


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