Every two years, the U.S. conducts a Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) detailing trends of youth risk behaviors occurring over the past 10 years. The most recent YRBS analysis describes several trends that are impacting the well-being of teens.
Explore the link to the YRBS results provided in the topic Resources. After reviewing the data for your state, and based on the first letter of your first name, identify one trend and area of focus that is impacting teens:
A- D: Sexual behavior
E- H: Substance abuse
I-K: Experiencing violence
L-N: Mental health and suicidality
O-R: School connectedness
S-V: Parental monitoring
W-Z: Unstable housing
Identify factors influencing this trend. Discuss data that validates this trend as a concern for adolescents today. Illustrate the nurse’s role and specific actions that the nurse can take in addressing this area of concern in adolescents. Include specific support and informational resources the nurse can provide to parents or teenagers (such as website or contact information).
Initial discussion question posts should be a minimum of 200 words and include at least two references cited using APA format. Responses to peers or faculty should be 100-150 words and include one reference. Refer to “RN-BSN DQ Rubric” and “RN-BSN Participation Rubric,” located in Class Resources, to understand the expectations for initial discussion question posts and participation posts, respectively.
Example 1 (Irine)
Addressing Youth Violence: A Critical Concern in Adolescent Health
Teenage violence is still an issue that affects young people in the United States, as pointed out by the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). As per the new statistics, there is an alarming increase in physical violence and bullying in adolescents and weapon carrying. The 2021 Florida YRBS reveals troubling trends: 18.2% of students reported physical fights, 19.3% experienced bullying at school, 14.3% faced cyberbullying, and 7.1% carried weapons on school property, underscoring the urgent need for targeted interventions (Florida Department of Health, 2021). These trends are hazardous to the well-being of adolescents and call for more effective youth interventions.
The causes of youth violence include economic status, exposure to domestic violence, peer pressure, and poor access to mental health services. Social media are also present in every aspect of people’s lives and, therefore, contribute to the escalation of cyberbullying and the provision of opportunities for negative communication (Çakar-Mengü & Mengü, 2023). The results of the YRBS confirm the severity of this problem: many adolescents experience such negative emotions as fear, loneliness, and anxiety because of violence, and these feelings are linked with lower academic achievement and higher risk of substance use.
Youth violence is one of the significant issues in society, and nurses are central in advocating for change, teaching, and responding to the problem. In clinical and community environments, the nurse can use screening instruments to assess vulnerable youths and counsel and direct adolescents to mental health practitioners or support groups (Herrenkohl et al., 2022). They can work with schools to implement anti-violence policies, encourage students to learn ways of solving their issues without violence and provide safe spaces for the students. Communicating with the parents is also as necessary; the nurses can involve the families in explaining how to identify the violence, how to talk about it, and where to get help.
These organizations offer tools and support for both teens and parents to combat youth violence effectively. Nurses can play a transformative role in promoting safer and healthier adolescent environments by addressing these concerns.
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